Careerdash is a way to get personalized training for a job in Business Development or Recruiting using grant funding – meaning you will pay nothing for the training.

Careerdash is a way to get personalized training for a job in Business Development or Recruiting using grant funding – meaning you will pay nothing for the training.
The Windermere Foundation (part of Windermere Real Estate) ‘adopted’ us two years ago. They give us a generous donation and are helping us get the word out about what we do and why. They are hosting a FREE Tailgate Party on September 8 …
Mortgage Help from the Colorado Dept of Local Affairs
Soup Luncheon-Charity Fundraiser to help with rent and utilities in Weld RE4. November 12th at Bethel Lutheran Church
Stepping Stones of Windsor is primarily able to provide assistance because of generous donations from many local donors who want to help their neighbors remain housed in Windsor, Severance, and West Greeley. Our focus is not just Windsor residents (despite our name) – we help neighbors housed anywhere within the RE-4 School District.
Last year, we raised nearly $25,000 with our Golf Luau and are hoping for an even bigger fundraising event this year! All proceeds benefit our Northern Colorado Foundation partners – Stepping Stones of Windsor and Neighbor to Neighbor.
Soup Luncheon-Charity Fundraiser to help with rent and utilities in Weld RE4. March 19, 2023
In 2021, we provided $36,093 to help 45 households with rent payments and $16,204 to help pay past-due utility bills for 42 households, ultimately helping 191 individuals stay in their homes
CareerDash Careerdash is a way to get personalized training for a job in Business Development or Recruiting using grant funding – meaning you will pay nothing for the training. Read More Windermere Foundation The Windermere Foundation (part of Windermere Real Estate)