Colorado Housing Connects
Almost Home, Inc. prevents and confronts homelessness in Adams and Weld County (south of Greeley) through Emergency Assistance Programs in these cities - Frederick, Firestone, Dacono, Ft. Lupton, Lochbuie, Hudson, Keenesburg, Roggen, and Tampa.
Greeley Family House
Greeley Family House - Families at the Greeley Family House are experiencing temporary homelessness. For many of the families, their homelessness was driven by a personal crisis so severe that the family had to choose between paying rent or handling the crisis. If you or someone you know needs help - call the Greeley Family House at 970-352-3215.
Catholic Charities
The cost of housing across Colorado is prohibitive for many neighbors. Housing at Catholic Charities provides secure, supportive and affordable housing complexes for several thousand individuals and families who cannot access appropriate housing at affordable prices.
Project Self Sufficiency
In Weld County also provides financial support. They provide wrap-around services to help clients figure out a career plan, complete their education, and get a job.
Mortgage Assistance
Although Stepping Stones of Windsor cannot provide assistance with mortgage payments, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) could perhaps help you with their Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program - MortgageHelpCO.org. If you have an annual household income less than the area median income and your income/expenses were affected by COVID, please reach out to them.
Careerdash is a way to get personalized training for a job in Business Development or Recruiting using grant funding - meaning you will pay nothing for the training. You will need to commit to 12 weeks of rigorous online training. The program was reviewed well on CareerKarma and they offer a free no-obligation intro course to find out a bit more.
Foundations Church
There are times in life when unforeseen needs arise due to illnesses, loss of a job, family crises, etc. Foundations Financial Care Ministry offers assistance to help alleviate some of the stresses that come with these circumstances.
At Weld Women 2 Women, our mission is to provide one-time financial assistance to women in Weld County. We do so with open hearts, a respect for the generosity of our donors and the privacy of our recipients, and a belief that we can make our community a better place through our actions and commitment.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Neighbor to Neighbor is a good resource for Windsor residents living in Larimer County. They provide assistance with rent and utilities.
You must be a Larimer County resident with household income of 60% AMI or below with a valid lease agreement and demand, court summons or eviction notice.
2-1-1 Colorado
We know it can often times be difficult and overwhelming to know where to go for help. 2-1-1 Colorado streamlines services and provides one central location where people can get connected to the resources they need. With a database that is updated daily, 2-1-1 Colorado can connect you to critical resources simply by dialing a three-digit number. Whether you are searching for a shelter availability, childcare, or rent payment assistance – 2-1-1 can connect you to available resources in your community.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) will pair you with a free accredited financial counselor to review your overall budget and financial situation. You can also call 800-388-2227 for an appointment. The first session is free. Subsequent sessions could cost up to $40 per session.
The Serve 6.8 Resource Center in Greeley
The Serve 6.8 center works through 50+ partner churches to serve the community by providing food, clothing, and financial and spiritual care management. As they are privately funded, there are no income or geographic rules to be met. They will ask for supporting documentation, but an eviction notice or utility shutoff notice is not required. They will meet with anyone from the community to assess their needs and will provide assistance financially, by referrals, and/or by creative problem-solving with the goal of helping clients become more independent.
Weld County Human Services
- Weld County rent and utility assistance
- Helps with Food Stamps, Medicaid, other Insurance & Financial needs
- Monday - Friday; 8am-430pm
- 315 N. 11th St., Building C, Greeley
- 970-352-3215
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association)
Proves financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020. Click here for guidance, eligibility requirements, and types of services funded, and here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Multiple languages are supported on their dedicated helpline at 1-844-684-6333.
The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral assistance until Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic.
Colorado Department of Human Services - Adult Financial Programs & Cash Assistance
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Help households pay for broadband service and internet-connected devices. Check your eligibility here to get a $30/month subsidy - limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per. household. Complete the Lifeline National Verifier application, contact your internet provider to help you complete your enrollment, or call the ACP Support Center at 877-384-2575.
LEAP - Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program.
- Applications taken Nov. 1 - April 1 >more information
Green Path Financial Literacy Resources
Free debt management services (800-550-1961) and financial management resources
PEO (philanthropic education organization)
Supports women to reach their educational goals. They have two grant programs available. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Farmer at [email protected]
- Program for Continuing Education is a need-based grant (up to $3000) for women whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to complete a degree or certification that will improve their employment skills to support themselves and/or their families. >Continuing Education Flyer
- Educational Loan Fund is a low-interest (2%) revolving loan to assist qualified women to secure higher education. Applicants must be a high-school graduates or equivalent enrolled in an accredited U.S. or Canadian school and within two years of completing their course. The grant amount varies depending on associate/bachelor, master's, or doctoral degree level. >Educational Loan Flyer