
Food Assistance Resources

Meals on Wheels

The program is designed to help restore or maintain health through nutrition and social contact in an effort to keep older adults living in their homes healthy and independent.

The Serve 6.8 Resource Center in Greeley

The Serve 6.8 center works through 50+ partner churches to serve the community by providing food, clothing, and financial and spiritual care management. As they are privately funded, there are no income or geographic rules to be met.  They will ask for supporting documentation, but an eviction notice or utility shutoff notice is not required. They will meet with anyone from the community to assess their needs and will provide assistance financially, by referrals, and/or by creative problem-solving with the goal of helping clients become more independent.

St. Alban's Episcopal Church

311 6th St., Windsor

  • FREE COMMUNMITY FOOD PANTRY - Always Open, Take what you need
  • St. Alban's Community meals are the 2nd and 4th Saturdays 12-1:30pm at the Parish Hall

Weld County Mobile Food Pantry - Faith Church of Windsor - 1020 Walnut St., 970-329-1588

  • 1st Wednesday of the month from 10-11am
  • Free box of food
  • There are no eligibility requirements for assistance. You will be asked to provide your name, phone number (in case there is a recall of some kind), number of adults, children, seniors in your household, and the town in which you live.

Weld County Food Bank (Greeley) - 1108 H St.

  • Food Assistance (East Entrance), 8:00am – 11:45am, Monday through Friday
  • 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Saturday Hours - Weld Food Bank’s “Extra Room” is open on the fourth Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 1:00pm for an additional distribution. Individuals can come in on that day to receive produce and other extra items. CSFP will be available, as well as USDA product for anyone who has not received emergency assistance during the month. For more information, call Erika Westfall at 970-356-2199 x309Food assistance distribution is closed every Wednesday afternoon and the last working day of every month.

Windsor/Severance Food Pantry

631 Birch St. Suite A

now located between Coren Printing and Words of Windsor, SOUTH double doors


  • Every Tues. & Thurs. from 9am-12pm
  • One box of food every six weeks
  • Thanksgiving & Christmas boxes

The Lunch Lab

In Larimer County, more than 12,000 students don’t know from where their lunch will come from on days when school isn’t held. These days include summer and winter breaks, school staff in-service, holidays, and more.

To address these needs, The Lunch Lab provides free lunch to ALL kids on every school-off day.

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