In 2022, Stepping Stones of Windsor (SSW) was able to help 140 households, comprised of 391 individuals, remain in their homes with funds of $97,250. In comparison, in 2021, SSW provided $52,300 to 87 households, ultimately helping 191 individuals stay in their homes.
Our 9-member all-volunteer board spent over 1075 hours interviewing every client, confirming their payment needs, and keeping Stepping Stones of Windsor running. With no paid staff, our administrative costs were just 2.3%.
We have seen an incredible increase in the number of our RE-4 school district neighbors who are experiencing housing instability (defined as receipt of an eviction or utility shutoff notice). Several local apartment buildings have changed ownership, and the new owners raised the rents significantly. Water, electricity, and natural gas prices are also increasing.
Stepping Stones of Windsor is primarily able to provide assistance because of generous donations from many local donors who want to help their neighbors remain housed in Windsor, Severance, and West Greeley. Our focus is not just Windsor residents (despite our name) – we help neighbors housed anywhere within the RE-4 School District.