In 2021, we provided $36,093 to help 45 households with rent payments and $16,204 to help pay past-due utility bills for 42 households, ultimately helping 191 individuals stay in their homes
2020/21 SSW by the Numbers

In 2021, we provided $36,093 to help 45 households with rent payments and $16,204 to help pay past-due utility bills for 42 households, ultimately helping 191 individuals stay in their homes
Board Member Application (pdf) You may apply online or download the PDF and email the completed form to [email protected] or mail a hard copy to: Windsor Stepping Stones c/o Board Members PO Box 105 Windsor, CO 80550 Fill out form.
Eviction Prevention Guide Colorado Housing Connects Colorado Housing Connects is a great resource for getting answers to questions renters may have about evictions, tenant/landlord issues, and housing discrimination. Almost Home Almost Home, Inc. prevents and confronts homelessness in Adams and Weld
Who Qualifies for help? Persons applying for assistance must be a residents of the Weld RE4 School District School site locator Spanish interpreters available. Please let us know if that would be helpful when you contact us. What to Expect
I Need Help Please complete our Inquiry form if you find yourself or your family in financial need. We help with evictions and other immediate needs. To see if you qualify, please visit our How To Apply page. For our
What Services are Available? Some type of assistance can be provided in the following situations when guidelines are met. Please visit our How To Apply page for more information. Eviction prevention Utility shut-off prevention First month’s rent Board Member Information